Exhibit Memo

I believe self love is a topic many of us hear, but don’t often experience, or know how to.

So with this virtual exhibit and collection, I designed and curated everything specifically to inspire, teach and shed light on the multiple facets of self love. 

Self love isn’t always easy to do, but it will always reap beautiful benefits.

Whether it’s making time to journal early in the morning, or late at night when you’re tired and just want to rest from the day, it becomes another step toward self reflection and getting to know yourself.

When you make those difficult decisions to prioritize yourself and put yourself above the needs of others sometimes, you’re taking care of yourself and increasing your well being.

We can never pour out of empty cups, so when we are filling ourselves up, let’s do it unapologetically, too.

It’s such a beautiful and freeing feeling to have self love.

So treat yourself, be graceful with yourself, get to know yourself, priority yourself and your health, practice your love language on you, and protect your energy.


Where ever you are in your self love journey, I hope that when you experience this this virtual exhibit you continue to acknowledge how important the self-work you’re doing is, and how amazing you are. 



- Zeina Fofana

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